Monday, June 1, 2009

My poor baby!

The saga of vet visits with Leila continues....

On Friday night I noticed that she had a red spot in between 2 of her claws on her front paw. I took a closer look and found a big sore that was swollen, bloody, pussing...well you get the point. I freaked out. It was too late to go to the vet but I called and asked what I could do and scheduled an appointment. I cleaned it up a bit and put Neosporin on it. I couldn't see that there was anything in the wound but Leila didn't let me do much probing. I took her to the vet on Sunday morning and they recommended to sedate her, open up the wound, see if there was anything in there, drain it, clean it, etc. So, I left her for a couple hours and picked her up with 3 meds, a pink bandaged foot, and a cone collar. She was all dopey and drugged up. She looked so mad at me for putting her through it all. She also had an ear infection but it wasn't near a big of deal.

I took her home and she immediately fell asleep with me. We slept for about an hour and upon waking up I realized she had wet the bed. Nothing better than waking up in a puddle of dog pee. So, I took her outside and let her go potty and when we came back inside she started yelping and howling in pain. She was inconsolable and it was clear that something was wrong. So, I took her back to the vet. They took her right back and I could hear her whining from the exam room. I was so scared and didn't know what to expect. I even cried once I got into the exam room and was alone to digest what had just happened.

After waiting for 30 minutes, the vet came in and said the bandage was on too tight and her paw was swelling badly and hurting her more than helping her. So, they removed the bandage and gave her a shot of narcotics to help with the pain. I think the meds wore too, which made it worse. So, they sent me home with another prescription of pain meds..this time narcotics. A total of 4 medications: 2 for pain and swelling, antibiotics, and ear drops. Luckily, she has been on meds so much she takes them easily...I dip them in peanut butter and it does the trick. Needless to say, we were both exhausted by the end of the day. She immediately laid down when we got home, which is unusual for her! I couldn't leave her and had dinner plans at Ross and Whit's house so I took her with me. She played a bit with the dogs and I had to hold her on the couch to keep her from running around. I wonder what would slow this dog down...getting spayed didn't do this and she is still spry as ever. I am amazed!

That was my Sunday...not such a Sunday Funday. I spent $400 on something that wasn't even bothering her in the first place but oh well. I am glad it is taken care of and she is on the mend. In light of this experience and her 1 year birthday this month, I started thinking of how much I have spent on this pup. I bet $5,000 at least. Good thing she is cute and gives me unconditional love. I should start calling her my million dollar baby.

Here are some pics to show her silly collar. She has to wear it when unsupervised so she doesn't lick her wound. She bumps into walls, doors, corners, her kennel. It's hard not to laugh. She looks so sad when she wears it. I feel bad putting her in her kennel with it on because I know she doesn't have much room in there with it on. I had to push her into her kennel today. At least, she doesn't have that pink bandage on anymore. Although, I wish I got a picture of it because it was way cute.

She wouldn't make eye contact. I think she was embarrassed :(

The don't have to look. This is after the surgery. It was worse!

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