Saturday, May 30, 2009

Let's try this blog thing again....solo this time!

As many of you know, Phil and I broke up. He drove all the way here and decided it wasn't right and he felt too far away from his dad. He stayed one night and was very homesick and said he could not do it. So, he left without saying goodbye and drove all the way home. Those DAMN men! I have the worst luck...ever!

Surprisingly, I am doing really really well. I must have known deep down or prepared myself that it would not work out because I have only cried probably 5 times total, which is much less than with past break-ups. I feel heartless and guilty that I don't feel bad, but not enough to force myself to feel bad. I am a total believer in karma and that everything happens for a reason. Me and Phil weren't meant to be I guess. It helps that we didn't spend much time together because of the distance. I feel like I have been living like a single girl for the past year, which makes being independent and losing a boyfriend/friend not so shocking.

I am grateful for the experience because I did learn a lot about myself and long distance relationships...won't ever do that again! I am much stronger and more resilient than I ever knew and have grown up a lot in the past year. I know myself better now and what I want and don't want. When I am ready to date again, I want to move slow and really get to know the person before getting serious. I say this..but it's easier said than done. But, I think it's important I keep that in mind and try to become really good friends before anything else.

When life gives you lemons/limes...make a vodka tonic! That's my motto! ;)

Now, it's just me and my dog. She has been great through all of this and I am so grateful to have her. I posted some of these pics on my old blog...but no need to look at that one anymore!

Enjoy..these are some of my favorite people and memories!

A girls best friend!

Me and my Denver mamaThere is no dearer friend than a sister! childhood passion!

Me and my cute Grandpa
Miss you so much Grammy!

Christine and Jane...prego friends!
Olivia, Claire and I at Olivia's Wedding
JT and AD

Lance and I

Autumn and Adri

Claire is so pretty!

The cute girls I work with...Jessica and Kaylin. Don't ask about the antlers!

Me and Meredith..DIVA!

Whit and Ella

When Leila was a cute!

All grown up

Mr. Biff